Saturday, March 7, 2015



Yipes! February went by so fast I hardly felt it!! I thought I would be able to blame its passing on House of Cards, but that was only this past week...lemme here's what's happened since New Year's...

Middle of January...we found out our permanent place was open for us to move in! SO cool! We were only a tiny bit disappointed because our roommates just got a cute little chihuahua named Vernal:

That disappointment passed super quickly when we realized we were going to be living in the SAME place for more than a few weeks. Goodness, what a relief. These past couple months have felt like a whirlwind moving from place to place, finding jobs, starting jobs, getting work clothes, getting our visa paperwork together, and just building a brand new little life for ourselves. 

So after getting our few bags transferred over and moved into the new apartment, we started making visits (after paychecks) to Ikea and the hardware store...

My Tommy borrowed a drill from a friend and in minutes made this place feel more like home,

with a bedside table for both of us, a quick shoe rack out of scrap wood, and free paint chip art to add some more color:

Gosh, we realized how art and pieces made by us made us feel so much more at home. Thank you Hornbach! (Home Depot in Prague)

Speaking of art...I teach art now as part of my schedule. Look at what my 2nd and 3rd graders did! We learned about shading and perspective....they're little artists too!!

So, at the end of January, we finally got all our paperwork and money together for our visa. This meant it was time for our interview at the Berlin. Don't ask us why the interviews have to take place in another country outside of the Czech Republic to get a visa to live in the Czech Republic, but it does. We had a few options, but Berlin got us in the quickest, and well we'd LOVE to be "forced" to visit Berlin. So I made some cookies....

(without a measuring cup #newwife). Then I made better cookies...

And we hopped on a bus to Berlin. Berlin is AWESOME. We felt so comfortable there right away. It was such an easy city to get around in, and all the places we found ourselves in were just so yummy and friendly and made us want to stay longer. 

So we had our interview and it went well (we just last week found out our visa applications were approved, so we get to live here legally finally!). Then we did a little sight seeing around the city with the few hours we had left for the quick two day trip:

We got to see the Brandenburg Gate, some Berlin wall ruins, and just cool buildings around the city...

It was such a cool trip and we can't wait to go back! :)

Speaking of "cool", we have just got the best landlords ever, a little family of four who has decided to take us in and treat us to all kinds of fun Czech Republic things, like a hockey game! It was my first one ever so I was extra pumped...the boys weren't as excited to take pictures with their tickets, but they smiled anyway. :)

Go Sparta!!!!

I think that's all for now...March is bringing more sunshine and a more consistent schedule, so we'll just be working and living in Prague, if you wanna come visit, we've got extra Ikea bedding now, so come on!