Saturday, November 29, 2014

Vati-can you believe it? (Rome, Italy)


After a wonderfully exhausting first day in Rome, we decided to slow down, take it easy, and rest.

Just kidding.

We woke up at 7:00am and started walking.

Try and figure out how this guy is sitting. 20 minutes of staring did not give us the answer.


St. Peter's Square is quite captivating. I've never spun around in circles that many times consecutively (unless I was forced to). I'm still pretty awestruck by it.

And the basilica isn't bad either...

Oh, the Vatican...

Tapestry's from the museum...


Frescoes on the ceilings...

Gallery of maps...


Paintings from the contemporary galleries...

And of course...

The Sistine Chapel.

This picture really sums it up - "did we just go to the Sistine Chapel?" 

It is also important to note that I was not supposed to take any pictures of the Sistine Chapel. They have several guards monitoring the crowd, ready to confiscate cameras. So, all of those pictures were taken by my bellybutton. Please don't tell the Pope. 


  1. Wow Tom those pictures are amazing, Iv'e only seen bits and pieces of those so to see the actual dimension is breathtaking!
