Saturday, January 24, 2015

New Years and Friends :)


So we got back from our incredible little Dresden stay on December 29th. We arrived at the bus station, wiggled our way to our LAST friends' place, picked up our stuff, and moved to our place for the month of January (only ONE move after this! woo!). 

So we were able to find this place on a Prague Expat Facebook Page. It's a one bedroom, with a lofted bed, shared kitchen and bathroom. We moved in with another married couple who ALSO had ring tattoos, she was from Texas and he's Czech. Because they're married and have ring tattoos, they're basically us, but they're models-real live models. Hehe...they weren't just models they were really cool too! And guys, the location of this apartment is, excuse me, KICK ASS. It would be hard to live here year round, just because of all the tourists, but we are so happy we got to stay here for a few short weeks. 

Here's if you are standing on The Charles Bridge looking down. We have a 3rd floor room in a building on the left:

If you're still standing on the bridge and you turn to your right, you see this! Just castles and crap everywhere! Oh, and a handsome man :)

Here's the view out the window:

Here's on your way to the metro station...not a popular spot or anything, just a quaint sight on your way to work...well, it's dark on your way to work, but ya know, on the way home-no that's dark too...on your way to the store or something on a Saturday...

We haven't shown you any of these pictures yet, but the metro stations are really cool!! Also interesting to mention, they are SUPER far down SUPER steep escalators, and we asked why they were so steep, we were told they were prepared as bomb shelters. Sweet huh!?

So in our unlucky-have-to-move-everywhere situation, we were blessed with an AMAZING view for New Years!!! 

I know some people say, we just wanted to stay in on New Years. Well we REALLY wanted to stay in. We had a better view than ANYONE (except for our roommates) and we got to clink our $0.25 beers and watch up-close fireworks that tried to come in our window! So cool. 

So, for some reason, everyone has a ticket to try to kill themselves on New Years. Everyone goes out and buys a gadjillion fireworks and sets them off wherever they want. So, I've tried to upload a video here we shot, there's one set of actual city fireworks and there's a buttload of everyone else, try to tell the difference, you can't. Here's the link on youtube:

Here's another link of a firework trying to come in our window, excuse a tiny bit of language:

Just after New Years, Dori, a GREAT friend of mine from Ghana, brought her friend Martina for a little New Years Prague visit!! Woo!!!!! Here's us by the Lennon Wall which is up and running again!

Martina and Dori have traveled a lot together, in fact, they had visited my family and I once in the US. And hey Mom, for some reason, Dori and Martina remember your Sloppy Joes and wish they could have more. So work on that will ya?

It was Martina's birthday the next day, so we celebrated with little dollar store cakes, big dollar store beer, and played UNO all night long. :) Happy Birthday Martina!!

Tom and I spent the next two days preparing for our first days of school. We'll update you on that soon!!! Lotsa love to all!!

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