Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Zoo (Prague, Czech Republic)

So this past Sunday, one of my dreams came true and I got to hang out with some tortoises. Tom and I have been really lucky and found an incredible language school that is employing us to hang out with them, learn about their programs, teach a few classes, and write some blogs! All things we love to do! The other day they sent us on a mission to tour the zoo with one of their English students and report about it. Yes please! Turns out it was like a special backstage pass kind of tour that we got to go on the sides where the people FEED the animals and stuff. Guys this was incredible. Also, the Prague zoo is apparently the #7 zoo in the world (#3 in Europe). Way to go Prague. So I just wrote a blog for the school and it's on their website and I'm too tired to type the same words twice, so here's a link to their blog:

Tom also contributed to their website a couple weeks (months?) ago. So if you scroll down you can see that too! :) Here's a little sneak peak to my zoo time. Love ya'll! :)

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